Have you ever loved someone so much that you set them free? Have you felt in spite of their absence, they still reside in your heart?
Yes, relationships are a two way street. They are about give and take, about making each other happy. But when you truly love someone just giving them all of you unconditionally is enough, feels enough. Sometimes, you have to love a person without expecting anything in return because you know you will never be able to give the same love to anyone else. Your heart and soul will never accept anyone new.They have been damaged beyond repair.None but that person has the power to rebuild the broken you....but that person has left. That person will never look behind. A person whom you gave everything, wholeheartedly, gave you nothing in return. Nobody is ever going to understand how bad that hurts!
I lost a part of my soul. My soul has been teared apart.
I trusted you with a part of my soul, I put a part of me in you.
But you went and stabbed it with a basilisk fang...
My soul put up a fight, it didn't want to say goodbye.
But you stabbed harder, it screamed in agony.
It was totally destroyed, it begged for mercy.
But you ignored it's pleas for forgiveness, you stabbed it harder with the fang.
It no longer resisted the stabs.
Slowly, it let go, it let the pain sink in.
You continued stabbing it till it was gone.
And that's how I lost a part of my soul.
You have killed something inside me.
I feel an empty space in the chest.
I never knew you had the power to do something so brutal.
In spite of all the cuts and bruises , my heart still yearns for you.
With all the wounds and tears , I still love you.
I never thought "forever " was supposed to end so soon.
You broke all your promises , you destroyed them all.
but I shall keep them safe , safe inside my heart.
Your hands , your touch....I still feel them.
I feel the gentle brush of your lips against mine.
The taste of your kiss still lingers in my mouth.
I still feel the warmth of your hugs , the comfort in your arms.
Our love.
The love which was never to be lost.
The love which gave everyone hope.
The love which had faced a lot.
The love which overcame every obstacle.
The love which grew stronger with time.
The love which was so pure.
But soon it became the love which left everyone in pain.
Never to be heard of....never to be spoken of.
The love which shattered everyone.
The love which never gave a chance for justifications.
The love that felt like a perfect dream , turned into a terrible nightmare.
I never dreamt of this but we all are living in a dark space.
I have shown the world and you... how strong I am.
I can just try to pretend as if everything's fine , put up a fake smile,
take a deep breath and laugh at all the little things in life.
But every moment without you still kills me.
who can I tell this?
I've been dying every second . It's giving me a slow death.
But how does that concern you.
Nobody cares.
You don't.
Do you?
Do you still remember me? Do you still cry sometimes?
Do you still regret those memories?
Or do you still wish I was there besides you , with you , for you, in your arms?
Do you still feel my presence?
Do you still remember the taste of my love?
Do you still remember the way you looked at me with those loving eyes?
Do you still remember the times when my smile was your world?
Do you still remember our long talks which would go on for hours?
Do you still remember the small promises which was supposed to last forever?
Do you still remember us?
Maybe it's just me.
Maybe I overthink and you dont' think that much.
Maybe you'll think later and I'll just stop thinking.
Maybe you'll come back and I'll walk away.
Maybe you'll never love again , maybe I'll do the same.
Maybe you'll cry , maybe I'll die in silent pain.
Maybe I'll regret thou I'll try had to forget.
Maybe we'll come together or maybe we'll walk away.
Maybe our life will be perfect or maybe we'll learn to live it in an imperfect way.
Hello, I am Theresa Williams After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. His email: {drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com} you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.
ReplyDelete1) Love Spells
2) Lost Love Spells
3) Divorce Spells
4) Marriage Spells
5) Binding Spells
6) Breakup Spells
7) Death spell
8.) You want to be promoted in your office
9) want to satisfy your lover
10) Lottery
Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
through {drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com}
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstances. I give God all the glory for bringing Lord Zakuza into my life for helping me get my wife back that got me divorced for one year. I was the last person on earth to accept the fact that spells exist or work not until I was referred to Lord Zakuza online to who has helped so many people with his powerful spells. I had no other option than to give it a try because 3 months after the divorce, I was demoted at my place of work due to depression for I don't know what to do to get her back but thank God today for using Lord Zakuza to get my happiness and love life back within 48 hours. Just last week here, I was promoted back to my position and I'm here to share my own experience with this man called Lord Zakuza. I don't know what you are going through today but know that in all situation there's always a way out. Lord Zakuza also prepares spells like Lottery spell, job spell, spell to stop a divorce, spell cure for any diseases, protection spell, spell to become successful and wealthy E.T.C. Contact him now for any help via WHATSAPP MESSENGER or SIGNAL MESSENGER on: +1 740-573-9483 and Email on: Lordzakuza7@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have been married for ten years now. Things were moving smoothly for us. Not until this day did my husband come back home and put on a funny face and tell me he wants a divorce that he doesn't want me anymore. I was surprised and shocked because I never did anything wrong to him nor did we fight with each other. He sent me parking from the house without any good reason. I begged him to tell me what wrong I did and he said No. So, I left the house and went to my family house. After some years living without him. I met a friend of mine and told her what has happened to me, she said to me that it won't be a problem for DR WALE to handle. She introduced me to DR WALE so i explained everything to DR WALE he told me not to cry anymore. All DR WALE did was to cast a spell for me, and I followed all instructions DR WALE gave to me. After DR WALE was done with the spell my husband came begging me to come back, he bought me many gifts and he also regretted his actions. You can contact DR WALE Via: WhatsApp/Viber: +2347054019402 OR Email: drwalespellhome@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHello everyone I am here to talk about how me and my family were safe from the evil witch and spiritual attack that has been disturbing me and my family for many years. This witch doesn't make us process in anything we do, We're always having bad luck, brokering home. failed marriage, having fights and issues with people around us. Our parents' business isn't doing well. People just hate our family. My sister that was married always complicated of husband beating her anytime they have little misunderstanding, my brother too complained for same thing that he and his always fight over any little thing, that there' no peace in their marriage. All this problem bothers my mind and keeps me thinking about my life too. So I was online someday looking for information. That's how I came across DR WALE seeing good and wonderful reviews about his works. I reach out to him and talk to him about everything my families are facing. From there he checked everything for me, told me things to pay for and I did pay for everything. From there he told me to give him some days so that everything will be solved. As I am writing this now for the past ten months now me and my family have been living happily like never before. My parents ' business has been moving well without any complaints anymore, and my brother and sister's marriage is now doing well. There is no more fight in their marriages. DR WALE has helped us cure the spiritual evil disturbing our home. Just in case you are reading this and you need help, believe me DR WALE is that man that will bring back happiness in your life and home. You can reach him via WhatsApp/Viber: +2347054019402 or Email: drwalespellhome@gmail.com